“Not Your One-Night SAM”
A play on the words “One Night Stand” for these LinkedIn and Facebook ads. “SAM” is the acronym for Software Asset Management, for which I helped promote a SaaS platform and related services.
SaaS-Based Storage Units
My bread & butter is writing about technology. But sometimes I take a banana & peanut butter gig. I wrote this copy for a storage company's new approach to managing remote physical storage with a mobile app and SaaS platform.
“SAM Designed Around You”
This company provided both technology and consulting in their niche IT market, which was a strong differentiator from competitors. My tagline expressed how they customized their tools and services around the customer, rather than the standard opposite.
Benefits of LEDs Article
I wrote a series of short LED 101 articles for which I interviewed SMEs and found the story. When possible (and appropriate), I inject humor into my copy. The client passed my silly jokes in the section headlines — huzzah! See online
Product Release
A new version of this company’s flagship technology was released. The big news was an easier streamlined UI to go along with the already powerful backend.
Wireless Speakers
I was hired by an ad agency to write copy for a modular wireless speaker company.